I've decided (since me and my now ex-fiance) have decided to split and follow Christ much more closely than before, that if and when I ever date again, there will be some new rules I will follow.
1. The only time we will ever touch, kiss, hold hands (except for prayer), or any other thing close to those, will be wedding day and afterward.
Reason - 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 : Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me. It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
Laugh if you want, but I will follow this. I don't want the slightest chance of slipping into temptation to ever be present.
2. She must understand that Jesus is #1 in my life.
Reason - He is the very reason I exist. He is the one who saved my soul from the pits of hell. He bore my sins upon a cross after being beaten worse than any other man (Isaiah 52:14). It should be obvious why this is important to me.
3. KJV only.
Reason - I don't accept any other version as the true and pure word of God for the English-speaking people. Call me stubborn, but this (along with the others on here) is a must.
4. I am a preacher, it won't always be easy.
Reason - God called me to preach His word, and because of this, I will not always be popular. I don't mind this one bit. At the same time, those who would not try to tear me down will almost always come after her. I will be there to defend against such slander though.
Just a few things that have came to mind. I know there are more than these but this is what I have on my mind right now.
All honor and glory to the Lord.
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